Dave Edison Rojas
Host: BioinfoTalks Committee
These talks are organized by and for the bioinformatics community on the Can Ruti Campus. They have a hybrid format, with a real-life talk in the Seminar Room at IGTP's Edifici Muntanya ground floor and are streamed through Zoom.
Gemma Casals Sendra
Clinical Genomics Research Group
This coffee talk will be held in person, but if you're unable to attend, you can join online.
Join the session online
Mireia Jordà and Jordi Reverter
Endocrine Tumours IGTP / Hospital Endocrinology Service
Host: CARE Program
The Translational Cancer Seminars of IGTP is an initiative that was born with the objectives of making translational research in cancer known in our territory, as well as promoting new collaborative projects and generating a space for boosting scientific debate between participants.
El futur de la docència als Hospitals: Innovant en les pràctiques clíniques
L'Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol (HGTP), amb la col·laboració de l'Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) i la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), organitza la primera Jornada d'Innovació Docent del Campus Can Ruti, un esdeveniment que preté ser un punt de trobada per a professionals de la salut, docents i estudiants interessats en les darreres novetats i metodologies en l'àmbit de les pràctiques clíniques.
Marta San Roque Muñoz
This coffee talk will be held in person, but if you're unable to attend, you can join online.
Join the session online
Paula López Marti
Host: BioinfoTalks Committee
These talks are organized by and for the bioinformatics community on the Can Ruti Campus. They have a hybrid format, with a real-life talk in the Seminar Room at IGTP's Edifici Muntanya ground floor and are streamed through Zoom.
Barbara Rivera Polo
Host: CARE Program
The Translational Cancer Seminars of IGTP is an initiative that was born with the objectives of making translational research in cancer known in our territory, as well as promoting new collaborative projects and generating a space for boosting scientific debate between participants.
Anna Rueda Pujol
Endocrine Tumours
This coffee talk will be held in person, but if you're unable to attend, you can join online.
Join the session online
Natalia Pallarès
Host: CORE Program
Les sessions Douglas Altman del Programa en Salut Pública i Atenció Primària (CORE) de l'IGTP estan dirigides a intercanviar coneixements i a promoure la col·laboració multidisciplinària en bioestadística i metodologia de recerca en salut.
Eva Coll Liesa
Badalona Neuromuscular Research Group (GRENBA)
This coffee talk will be held in person, but if you're unable to attend, you can join online.
Join the session online