
Participants in the GCAT Project take a look behind the scenes

How do they do it?  How do they get genetic information from a blood sample?  How do you manage the genetic information of 20,000 people? How do you get to understand all this information so it can be used for research?  These are some of the questions asked by GCAT participants while visiting the National Centre for Genomics Analysis- Centre for Genomic Regulation (CNAG-CRG) and Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), both centres are collaborating with the project.  These questions now have answers.

- Institutional

Can Ruti gets the debate going on Women in Science

To coincide with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February, the IGTP will hold its first workshop dedicated to the reality for women on the campus. The event is organized by the Working Group Women in Science made up of representatives of diverse institutions on the Can Ruti Campus. During the morning the directors of different centres on the campus will sign a declaration of intentions based on the recommendations of the United Nations to promote equal opportunities and the scientific career path for women.

- Research

New indications of prenatal environmental factors affecting risk of developing type 1 diabetes

A new study by the Immunology of Diabetes Group, led by Marta Vives-Pi at the IGTP in conjunction with the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, builds on previous work led by the group in Hamburg.  The new study looks into the effect of betamethasone on new-borns and its susceptibility to develop type 1 diabetes, when it is administered to mothers before birth. As well as corroborating the previous results and finding new changes in the developing immune system, the results also throw light onto the effect of the drug on the insulin-producing cells themselves.

- Research

A study optimizes the probability of success for allogenic cell therapy in patients with heart failure

Researchers from the Heart Disease Research Group at the IGTP and the CIBER Cardiovascular Group both led by Dr Antoni Bayés prepare the way to optimize reparative cell therapy in heart failure patients. The study, carried out in conjunction with the Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Laboratory and the Cell Therapy Unit of the Blood and Tissue Bank of Barcelona has studied the HLA allele and the frequency of haplotypes in a cohort of patients with heart failure as the first stage in optimizing future allogenic cell therapies for these patients.

- Campus Can Ruti

The first half of the Can Ruti Biomedical Research Seminar Series completed in style

This year the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) have got together to organize the first Can Ruti Research Seminar Series.  The scientific committee invited eleven speakers and arranged sponsorship from AstraZeneca and Celgene.  After completion of the first half of the series the organizers are very pleased with the results.

- Innovation, Research

Ana Gámez awarded the Pioner 2018 Award

Ana Gamez has been awarded one of the 2018 Pioner Awards from the CERCA Institute (Research Centres of Catalonia).  The aim of the prize is to recognize and highlight researchers who have just read their thesis and whose results have a clear commercial orientation.

- Campus Can Ruti, Research

Phakomatosis experts get together at the IGTP

The professionals that make up the Reference Centre (CSUR) on Neurocutaneous Syndromes- Phakomatoses, have met up together at the IGTP. The aim of these regular meetings and mini-symposiums is to revise the work done in healthcare and research, including innovations, new approaches and the lines of research underway. The prescence of different professionals in the meeting provides a more global view of the work carried out by the whole group and a better reciprocal understanding of the healthcare and research aspects.

- Campus Can Ruti

VII Edition of the Talents Grants promotes research and the recognition of young medics

Tuesday 11 December saw the celebration of the 7th edition of the Pedrera Talents at the Casa Milà.   The awards, sponsored by the Catalonia La Pedrera Foundation, in which the Germans Trias Hospital and the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona both participate, consist of public recognition and a grant after their medical residency for young specialist physicians and other health professionals so that they can dedicate themselves to research.

- Research

A novel method for combining laboratory work into a systems biology mathematical model unravels possible mechanisms for the failure of glucocorticoid therapy in ulcerative colitis

Researchers from the Digestive Inflammatory Pathology Research Group at the IGTP and the Spanish Network for Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD) have identified key elements of the mechanism behind the failure of steroid treatments for ulcerative colitis in some patients. Treatment failure is one of the main obstacles in the management of this disease and the new findings could help prevent treatment failure and allow for more efficient rescue therapies when needed. The study also identifies a possible biomarker to predict which patients might suffer treatment failure.  The research was led by Dr. Eugeni Domènech and Dr. Josep Manyé, and published recently in the Journal of Crohn's and Colitis.