
The Comparative Medicine and Bioimage Centre (CMCiB) open for business

The Director of the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Manel Puig and the Director of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Raquel Yotti have put their formal seal on the starting up of the Comparative Medicine and Bioimage Centre of Catalonia (CMCiB). The CMCiB is a centre built on the Can Ruti Campus by the IGTP with the aim of being a reference centre for comparative medicine, bioimaging and computational models and a pioneer in applying alternative methods for biomedical research that impacts on the health of the population. The facilities of the centre include latest generation operating theatres that are adaptable for continued training, perfecting new surgical techniques and development of new surgical devices.

- Campus Can Ruti

Five years training physicians in health research and innovation

This June saw the successful close of the fifth edition of the Postgraduate Course in Research and Innovation in Health Sciences. 21 professionals undergoing their medical training (medicine, nursing, pharmacy and so on) presented their final dissertations for the course, which is organized by the Maresme Health Consortium (CSdM) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) with the support of the IGTP, the Germans Trias Hospital.

- Research

The Islet Regulome Browser, developed by IGTP scientists, brings genomic data to life for diabetes researchers

The paper "Human pancreatic islet 3D chromatin architecture provides insights into the genetics of type 2 diabetes" published in Nature Genetics on Friday is the result of work carried out by an International team that includes Dr Lorenzo Pasquali and Mireia Ramos-Rodríguez of the Endocrine Regulatory Genomics Research Group at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute. Pasquali's group has provided their tool, the Islet Regulome Browser, which allows non-bioinformaticians to visualize and use all the data collected in this study. The work brings personalized medicine for type 2 diabetes a little closer.

Financing for a Germans Trias i Pujol project in the third edition of the PERIS call

The Ministry of Health presented the grants for the 2018 and 2019 calls of the Strategic Plan for Innovation in Health (PERIS) on Tuesday. In this year's round the Germans Trias neurologist Natalia Pérez de la Ossa received a grant for the project for pre-hospitalization healthcare for patients with acute stroke. The doctor Daniel Fuster was also awarded a grant for the second edition, which he received at the same ceremony.

In a brand new format, scientists come together to share and discuss research on the Can Ruti Campus in the First IGTP PI Retreat

Principal investigators from the nine areas of research on the Can Ruti Campus met together to discuss topics of concern in the current research environment. During the day, researchers enjoyed inputs from the IGTP research community and external speakers and were able to take advantage of the many moments available for networking and sharing.

- Research

A new tool that makes it possible to adapt treatment for patients with cardiogenic shock has been discovered

Cardiogenic shock is a possible complication of serious heart attack involving an associated mortality rate of approximately 50% of all cases. The combination of this new tool with existing methods renders precise and patient-specific decision-making possible. The research is being led by Dr. Antoni Bayés at Germans Trias and the Proteomics Unit of the CRG and UPF, under Dr. Eduard Sabidó

Manremyc opens a funding round of 250,000 euros through the Capital Cell platform

Manremyc, a spin-off of the IGTP specialised in the development of a probiotic against tuberculosis, has opened a funding round through Capital Cell, the first on-line investment platform in Europe specialized in biomedicine. The objective of the campaign is to reach 250,000 euros, with a minimum investment requirement per person of only 600 euros. Up to now, the company has secured 35% of the investment, which includes participation from the Reig family, main shareholders in the pharmaceutical company Reig Jofre.