
- Innovation

A new heat therapy belt designed at the Germans Trias Hospital to reduce pain during birth is now available

The belt, designed by a midwife at the Germans Trias Hospital, applies heat to the lumbar and suprapubic region, where the pain of contractions is strongest and allows the wearer to move about freely.  The project included a clinical trial with 134 women participating, run by Laura Tarrats, who has been able to carry out the work thanks to the support of a Germans Trias Sapiens Award.

- Research

Elisa Martró awarded a project for Micro-elimination of Hepatitis C by GILEAD

Elisa Martró, leader of the Clinical Virology and New Diagnostic Approaches Research Group at the Microbiology Service of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, has been awarded with one of the five projects granted in the First Edition of the Gilead projects for Micro-elimination of Hepatitis C in Spain and evaluated by the Spanish Liver Research Association (AEEH).

- Research

Can Ruti shows it cares for rare diseases

The IGTP and the Germans Trias Hospital face the spotlight for rare diseases again.  This year our professionals are joining World Rare Disease Day on the last day of February to highlight these diseases and shine a light on the research activities in the field on campus.

- Research

An update on advances in stroke therapy

The Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology Research Group, led by Teresa Gasull at the IGTP has a mission to carry out basic and translational research into strokes.  This week they have published a review of recent advances in the field, which includes the role of the ferroptosis in stroke-induced neurodegeneration and includes references to their own recent publications in the field.

- Research

The Digestive Inflammatory Pathology Research Group awarded the prize for best research project at the Catalan Digestive Medicine Conference

A study by the Digestive Inflammatory Pathology Research Group at the IGTP was awarded the best basic-translational research study in the Catalan Digestive Medicine Conference 2019.  The study presented by Dr Violeta Lorén is within one of the main research lines of the group and centres on understanding, predicting and solving one of the main complications arising from therapy for patients with ulcerative colitis: the failure of glucocorticoid treatment.

- Research

Induced pluripotent stem cells have been generated for the first time from tumor cells in order to study therapies for tumors developed in patients with hereditary diseases with predisposition to cancer

The study, by the Hereditary Cancer research group at the IGTP, focuses on characterizing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from benign tumors, characteristic of Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). The iPSCs are able to regenerate indefinitely and give rise to any other cell in the body so they represent an inexhaustible supply of cells to study tumors and new treatments.