
The Hereditary Cancer Group at the IGTP provides another tool for the better management of patients diagnosed with NF1

In a study, published in Human Mutation led by Meritxell Carrió and Eduard Serra of the IGTP in collaboration with scientists from the ICO Hereditary Cancer Program, scientists studied 8 PNF tumours to find information to help doctors predict how tumours will develop.  They looked at the tissue characteristics of the tumors and then compared this to the genetic make-up of the cells within the tumour.

- Campus Can Ruti

Huge turnout for the first Can Ruti PhD Day

"Organized by us, for us," has been the catchphrase for the first Campus Can Ruti PhD Day.   The event took place on Friday 29 June with a traditional scientific conference format and it provided a meeting point for all the PhD students on Campus Can Ruti.   The idea came from five pre-doctoral researchers, carrying out their respective theses in different institutions on the campus, who made up the first Campus Can Ruti doctoral students' committee.

- Research

In search of biomarkers to detect patients with latent Plasmodium vivax infections

A study reveals the presence of proteins from hypnozoites, the latent phase of the parasite, in circulating extracellular vesicles. Proteins derived from the latent liver stage of Plasmodium vivax can be detected in small extracellular vesicles that circulate in blood, according to a study led by Hernando del Portillo, ICREA Research Professor at the IGTP and ISGlobal.  The results pave the way for identifying patients with asymptomatic infections, an essential requirement to stop parasite transmission. 

- Research

Researchers describe the cause and neurodegenerative mechanisms of a new sub-type of ataxia

The Neurogenetics Research Group at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Group, led by Dr Antoni Matilla has found the mutation and described the molecular mechanism that causes the sub-type of ataxia SCA37, which they first described in 2013.  This find means that all the families with this alteration can be diagnosed before symptoms appear and that carriers can receive genetic counselling.  It is also the first step on developing personalized therapies.

- Research

The DiabetesCero (Diabetes Zero) Foundation has got the European Parliament talking about Diabetes Type 1

From Vilanova i la Geltrú to Brussels by bicycle.  This challenge was accepted by the father of a boy with diabetes type 1 (DT1) and member of the charity DiabetesCero, and on the way he managed get Euro MPs interested in the disease.  His amazing journey has produced a meeting to discuss the DT1 on 21-22 June; Dr Marta Vives-Pi, Group Leader of the Immunology of Diabetes Group of the IGTP was there.