
- Research

MacroH2A1.1 regulates mitochondrial respiration by limiting nuclear NAD+ consumption

A new paper published by researchers from the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) and the Programme of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer, Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (PMPPC-IGTP) reveals a new role for macroH2A1.1. The project was spear-headed by Melanija Posavec Marjanovic and Sarah Hurtado-Bagès, two PhD students enrolled in the Pompeu Fabra University PhD program

- Institutional

Comunicat de les universitats i dels centres de recerca de Catalunya

Communiqué in English below Avui s'han reunit els màxims representants del conjunt d'universitats i centres de recerca de Catalunya (una seixantena d'institucions que representen prop del 90% del sistema) per valorar la situació creada a Catalunya de resultes de les actuacions de l'Estat espanyol en els darrers dies.

- Campus Can Ruti

Environmental ‘memories’ passed on for 14 generations

Scientists at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)in Barcelona and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute and The Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP)in Badalona, Spain, have discovered that the impact of environmental change can be passed on in the genes of tiny nematode worms for at least 14 generations - the most that has ever been seen in animals. The findings will be published on Friday 21st April in the journal Science.

- Campus Can Ruti

Proyecto de la Dra. Marta Vives- Pi ganadora de la beca DiabetesCero

DiabetesCero es una associación de padres de niños con diabetes tipo 1, que luchan para conseguir fondos para la investigación. La asociación nació en Écija (Sevilla) y se ha ido extendiendo. En este primer congreso Nacional dieron 3 premios de 25.000 € (DiabetesCero) a proyectos seleccionados entre 6 proyectos finalistas. Los 3 proyectos que no ganaron, recibieron una ayuda por parte de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes.

- Research

A new way to diagnose hereditary cancers is already benefitting patients in the Catalan Health Service thanks to ground-breaking research by the Joint Program on Hereditary Cancer ICO-IDIBELL-IGTP

Researchers of the Joint Program on Hereditary Cancer ICO-IDIBELL-IGTP have designed and tested a new strategy based on next generation sequencing (NGS) for the genetic diagnostics of hereditary cancer. They tested it against other current commercially available NGS methods and the new method gave  better results. Previously patients were only tested for one or a small number of genes but now each patient can be tested for a wide range of genes in one single step and the results analysed using complex computing tools resulting in a much more efficient diagnostic process.  700 patients in the Catalan Health System have already benefitted from the new diagnostic approach