
The IGTP is working to respond to COVID-19

The Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) is working alongside the hospital and at the service of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Catalonia to make all the necessary disposable material and resources available for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The research groups at the centre are also working against the clock to prepare projects for the extraordinary competitive funding calls that have been issued to fund research into SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19.

- Campus Can Ruti, Research

New European initiative, RECOGNISED, will determine the usefulness of the retina as a tool for identifying people with type 2 diabetes and cognitive impairment

The IGTP is participating in this recently launched EU-funded project to explore the biological pathways that may link the alterations observed in the retina with those present in the brain in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). In this way, the RECOGNISED project hopes to use the eye as if it was a window into the brain.

- Campus Can Ruti, Research

A team at Germans Trias treat a patient with a new bio-implant to repair heart tissue after a heart attack

The pioneering surgery that took place last May at the Germans Trias Hospital. The bio-implant, based on umbilical cord stem cells, has been developed by the Cardiovascular Disease Research Group (ICREC) at Germans Trias, led by Antoni Bayés-Genís in a research line, which they have been pursuing for 10 years. The new therapy has been developed with the collaboration of the Blood and Tissue Bank (BST) and the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC); this is the first step of the application in clinical practice and the group will continue to monitor safety and the capacity of cardiac tissue to recover

Germans Trias Professionals organize the first National Meeting on Neurofibromatosis Type 2

Last Friday the first update meeting at national level to take a global view of the healthcare situation and present the latest research data for Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) took place at the IGTP. This pioneering event was organized by the members of the National Reference Centre in genetic neuro-cutaneous syndromes (Facomatosis), (CSUR) on the Can Ruti Campus and also included patients and families affected by the disease.

The IGTP promotes science for high-school students at the celebration of the 24th Science Week at Can Ruti

This week the IGTP and other centres hosted the “Can Ruti Open Door Session” within Science Week in Badalona; the Science Week is a national event organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). This year nearly 200 high school students from various educational centres have visited the research facilities at nine different organizations on the Can Ruti Campus and learned about studies taking place there.

The Comparative Medicine and Bioimaging Centre (CMCiB) opens its new facilities for research with bioimage

The Director of the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Manel Puig, and the President of the Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical), Toshio Takiguchi, visited the CMCiB on Monday 14 October to view the new bioimaging facilities that complete the center as a pioneering research platform in comparative medicine. The CMCiB, a center promoted by the IGTP and a benchmark in comparative medicine, bioimaging and computational models, is a pioneer in the application of alternative methods of biomedical research that directly affect the improvement of people's health.

The CMCiB on the map for 3Rs Research

The Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (CMCiB) now forms part of the Working Group on European 3Rs Centres. This literally puts it on the map, for European 3Rs Research and it has been included in the Norwegian NORECOPA website, which is currently the largest resource on European 3rs Research available. The Working Group is preparing the setting up of a European 3Rs Center Network to promote and facilitate ethical research.

The IGTP receives the HR Excellence in Research Award

On 22 August the IGTP received the HR Excellence in Research Award (HRS4R) from the European Commission (EC). The Commission's human resource strategy is aimed at aligning HR policies across European research institutions with the goal of making the movement of researchers between institutions easier and conditions fairer. The IGTP can use the HRS4R logo to identify itself as one of the 490 organizations now recognized as working towards this goal.

Two Can Ruti PhD students at the INPhNIT award ceremony

Two students have been awarded INPhINIT grants by “la Caixa” Foundation to complete their PhDs on the Can Ruti Campus. Emma Koehorst, has been working on Myotonic Dystrophy in the Neuromuscular and Neuropaediatric research group led by Gisela Nogales at the IGTP since last September. Ifeanyi Ezeonwumelu has started working at the IrsiCaixa on novel therapeutic strategies for HIV with Dr Ester Ballana Guix in the HIV Pathogenesis Group, led by Dr José A Esté.