
- Campus Can Ruti, Research

Julia García Prado, new IGTP Scientific Director

Dr. García Prado, leader of the Viral Immune Evasion and Vacciones (VIRIEVAC) at the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute will combine the new position with the leadership of her group, focused on the design of new strategies against HIV. Manel Puig, General Director of the IGTP, has presented the new organizational chart during the presentation of the Research Agenda 2018, together with the new challenges for the coming years.

- Campus Can Ruti

A trial in advanced colorectal cancer opens the door to a future blood test to predict the most efficient treatment for reducing metastasis

The study, published in 'Annals of Oncology' aimed to demonstrate that choosing the treatment regime based on genetic variants could improve the prognosis of patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Although this primary objective was not achieved, the trial did show that a blood test can be used to predict the most efficient treatment to reduce metastasis.

- Campus Can Ruti

Local Buses supporting Can Ruti

 The Tusgsal company that runs the buses in the Badalona area and the surroundings is now a Friend of Can Ruti, as is Teletransfer, the company that manages the advertising on bus network

- Campus Can Ruti

Environmental ‘memories’ passed on for 14 generations

Scientists at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)in Barcelona and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute and The Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP)in Badalona, Spain, have discovered that the impact of environmental change can be passed on in the genes of tiny nematode worms for at least 14 generations - the most that has ever been seen in animals. The findings will be published on Friday 21st April in the journal Science.

- Campus Can Ruti

Proyecto de la Dra. Marta Vives- Pi ganadora de la beca DiabetesCero

DiabetesCero es una associación de padres de niños con diabetes tipo 1, que luchan para conseguir fondos para la investigación. La asociación nació en Écija (Sevilla) y se ha ido extendiendo. En este primer congreso Nacional dieron 3 premios de 25.000 € (DiabetesCero) a proyectos seleccionados entre 6 proyectos finalistas. Los 3 proyectos que no ganaron, recibieron una ayuda por parte de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes.