
Two projects from IGTP funded by ”la Caixa” Foundation to transition their innovative research from the laboratory to patients

The first urine test that detects kidney fibrosis as an alternative to kidney biopsies, an initiative from the IVECAT group, and a project applying artificial intelligence to rapidly categorise stroke patients and enhance their recovery chances, from the Neurovascular Research group, are two of the fifteen projects from Catalan research centres selected within the 2023 call of the new CaixaImpulse Healthcare Innovation programme.

Latest episode of IGTP’s 'Un Bri de Ciència' takes on viral hepatitis

To mark World Hepatitis Day, the podcast 'Un Bri de Ciència' dedicates an episode to viral hepatitis, specifically focusing on Hepatitis B and C, which are considered to be the most severe types. Researcher Elisa Martró unravels what we know about these diseases and discusses her projects, both in the hospital setting and in communities, working with vulnerable populations. The podcast enhances the mission of awareness and dissemination of IGTP.