
- Outreach, Projects, Research

The project "Workshop #20 - Neural Networks", a space for collaboration, experimentation, and research between science, art, technology, and society

The activity of Èpica Foundation La Fura dels Baus, co-financed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), in collaboration with Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and Computer Vision Center (CVC-UAB), took place from 14 to 26 May at Casa de l'Aigua (Trinitat Nova) in Barcelona. The results were presented last weekend before more than 200 people.

Latest episode of IGTP’s 'Un Bri de Ciència' takes on viral hepatitis

To mark World Hepatitis Day, the podcast 'Un Bri de Ciència' dedicates an episode to viral hepatitis, specifically focusing on Hepatitis B and C, which are considered to be the most severe types. Researcher Elisa Martró unravels what we know about these diseases and discusses her projects, both in the hospital setting and in communities, working with vulnerable populations. The podcast enhances the mission of awareness and dissemination of IGTP.