
- Projects, Research

A world consortium to study the genetic factors associated with COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused a global pandemic and this in turn has accelerated the formation of international collaborations more than ever, although they are already common in biomedical research. The COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative was formed to share knowledge and data to study the role of genetic factors in susceptibility to infection by SARS-CoV-2 and severity of the disease. The GCAT-Genomes for Life Project at the IGTP is taking part. The methodology has been described in a paper in the European Journal of Human Genetics.

Two projects at the IGTP and IDIAP Jordi Gol research centres focus on the immune response of health professionals to infection with SARS-CoV-2

The IGTP has received funding in the extraordinary call published by the Department of Research and Innovation of the Department of Health (DGRIS) with the collaboration of AQuAS and Biocat and aimed at all the Iriscat centres for research into coronavirus. The two projects, focussed on the immune response of health professionals on the frontline with the virus, have joined the forces of the IGTP, IrsiCaixa and research and healthcare in the context of primary and hospital healthcare. A third project, led by Dr Julià Blanco, researcher at IrsiCaixa and the IGTP has also received funding.

The IGTP is working to respond to COVID-19

The Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) is working alongside the hospital and at the service of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Catalonia to make all the necessary disposable material and resources available for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The research groups at the centre are also working against the clock to prepare projects for the extraordinary competitive funding calls that have been issued to fund research into SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19.

- Projects, Research

Researchers at the UPC and the IGTP use mathematical models to evaluate the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic and the effectiveness of the control measures

A team of researchers from the Computational Biology and Complex Systems research group (BIOCOM-SC) of the UPC and the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (CMCiB) of the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) with the support of "la Caixa" Foundation, have developed a mathematical model to follow up the epidemic of COVID-19. The report that they have produced for the Strategy Office of the European Union is updated every day and includes predictions for Catalonia, Spain and the European Union. The model also serves to analyze the efficiency of the measures being established by different countries

- Projects, Research

Synchrotron light for deciphering Friedreich's ataxia

The Neurogenetics research group, led by Dr Antoni Matilla is performing an experiment at the ALBA Synchrotron to obtain for the first time 3D images of cells with this disease. Friedreich's ataxia affects more than 3,000 people in Spain, causing serious mobility problems and other severe illnesses such as heart disease. At present there is no treatment to prevent or cure the disease

- Amics de Can Ruti, Projects

Presentation of the Project “Fats and Cancer” at the Gastronomy Fair at Cabrils

Researchers from the research project "Fats and Cancer" took part in the 32nd Cabrils Gastronomy Fair in August. The project is a collaboration between professionals from the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and the Germans Trias Pujol Hospital and Research Institute and will educate and find funding through the fundraising organization "Amics de Can Ruti" (the Friends of Can Ruti). The aim is to raise awareness about the need for new horizons in cancer research and for cancer patients and the connection between the metabolism of fats in the body and the appearance and evolution of cancer.

Financing for a Germans Trias i Pujol project in the third edition of the PERIS call

The Ministry of Health presented the grants for the 2018 and 2019 calls of the Strategic Plan for Innovation in Health (PERIS) on Tuesday. In this year's round the Germans Trias neurologist Natalia Pérez de la Ossa received a grant for the project for pre-hospitalization healthcare for patients with acute stroke. The doctor Daniel Fuster was also awarded a grant for the second edition, which he received at the same ceremony.

Participants in the GCAT Project take a look behind the scenes

How do they do it?  How do they get genetic information from a blood sample?  How do you manage the genetic information of 20,000 people? How do you get to understand all this information so it can be used for research?  These are some of the questions asked by GCAT participants while visiting the National Centre for Genomics Analysis- Centre for Genomic Regulation (CNAG-CRG) and Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), both centres are collaborating with the project.  These questions now have answers.