
- Research

The CEEISCAT coordinates the writing of the EMIS-2017 report for Spain

A group of researchers affiliated to the IGTP have coordinated the implementation of the EMIS-2017 studies for Spain. More than 10,000 men who have sex with men (MSM) participated in the EMIS-2017 Study in Spain through an online questionnaire, which collected information about knowledge, behaviours and the collective needs of gay me, bisexuals and other MSM, both in general and in subgroups with greater vulnerability in terms of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

- Research

A new step towards reaching the WHO targets to eliminate HCV infection

Researchers from the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and Institute have developed and successfully validated a new one-step screening method to diagnose active hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in people who inject drugs. The new method  will permit better planning of future more effective actions to improve diagnostics and treatments for this vulnerable group. The study also estimated the prevalence of HCV infection in this community and showed that many people tested do not know that they are infected.

The IGTP promotes science for high-school students at the celebration of the 24th Science Week at Can Ruti

This week the IGTP and other centres hosted the “Can Ruti Open Door Session” within Science Week in Badalona; the Science Week is a national event organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). This year nearly 200 high school students from various educational centres have visited the research facilities at nine different organizations on the Can Ruti Campus and learned about studies taking place there.

- Research

Dr Casabona presents the RIGHT-PLUS Network and preliminary results of the LAMIS project in a WHO symposium organized within the International AIDS Society meeting

Dr Jordi Casabona has presented the RIGHT-PLUS Network at the New approaches to monitor HIV services and accelerate the response to HIV among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Latin America Symposium, organized by the WHO within the International AIDS Society meeting (IAS 2019) that took place in Mexico City from 21 to 24 July. Dr Casabona is Scientific Direct.or of the CEEISCAT, a research group affiliated with the IGTP.

The "la Marató de TV3" funds 36 biomedical projects for research into infectious diseases

The funds collected in the 2017 edition of "La Marathon de TV3" and "Catalunya Ràdio" fundraiser will pay for 36 top-ranked biomedical research projects on infectious diseases with the aim of creating new tools for diagnostics and prevention and more efficient treatments to provide more years of quality life for patients.  The 55 researchers who will carry out the research received their certificates today in an event that took place on Tuesday in the Catalan and Balearic Island Academy of Medical Sciences and Health.  Two of these projects will be carried out at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) on the Can Ruti Campus.