
- Research

A study in patients with heart failure points to new prognostic markers for the disease

Researchers of the Cardiovascular Disease Group and the CIBERCV Group, led by Dr Antoni Bayés Genís, have advanced the study of prognostic markers for heart failure, a progressive disease and a public health problem of the first order. They have studied monocyte (a type of white blood cell) count and distribution in a cohort of 400 outpatients with heart failure with a view to showing their predictive value. The study has been published in PLoS One.

- Research

Telomere shortening is not a factor in the progression of cardiac insufficiency

Researchers from the Heart Disease Research Group at the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and researchers from the Spanish Biomedical Research Network for Cardiovascular Disease (CIBERCV) have analysed  the degree of shortening of telomeres and its correlation with  progression of cardiac insufficiency (CI) over a year. The results published in Journal of Translational Medicine indicate that telomere shortening in monocytes is probably not a biomarker for the progression of CI