Menarini and the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute sign an agreement to promote research projects

- The organisations are collaborating on two studies in the field of severe Legionella infections and antibiotic resistance
- Both projects have been presented by IGTP researchers within the framework of the "Scientific exchanges: join us" program, an initiative by Menarini to share progress and strengthen partnerships in research
Menarini and the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) have signed a collaboration agreement to develop two research projects focusing on severe infections and antibiotic resistance. This agreement underscores the company's commitment to scientific collaboration and innovation in healthcare. The agreement signing was attended by Ignacio González, general director of Menarini España, and Jordi Barretina, general director of IGTP.
The current agreement, driven by 'Amics de Can Ruti', encompasses two projects: the first, titled "Study of the intracellular activity of delafloxacin compared with levofloxacin", aims to analyse the differences in activity between delafloxacin and other quinolones in treating infections caused by Legionella spp. This highly complex pathogen is associated with severe infections and has limited therapeutic options.
The second project aligns with the "One Health" concept, a global approach recognising the interconnection between human, animal, and environmental health, addressing the implications of inappropriate use of certain antimicrobials and the resulting resistance. The project aims to study the presence of these resistant bacteria not only in humans but also in aquatic environments and animals.
Ignacio González, general director of Menarini, stated, "In the current context, where severe infections are on the rise and the associated morbidity and mortality is a growing concern, this collaboration is essential in seeking innovative solutions against antimicrobial resistance".
Jordi Barretina, general director of IGTP, noted that this agreement with Menarini "strengthens our commitment to excellent research in key areas such as severe infections and antibiotic resistance. This public-private collaboration provides us with a valuable opportunity to continue advancing in the fight against global health challenges".
Both studies were presented within the framework of the "Scientific exchanges: join us" program, a series of internal meetings showcasing Menarini's scientific collaborations. Dr Mª Lluïsa Pedro-Botet, head of the Infectious Diseases Service at the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital and head of the Clinical and Environmental Infectious Diseases Study Group (CEID) at IGTP, along with Roger Cortès, research technician, presented the "Study of the intracellular activity of delafloxacin compared with levofloxacin". Meanwhile, Dr Noemí Párraga, head of the experimental section of CEID, and Dr Esteban Reynaga, associate at the Infectious Diseases Service at the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, presented the second project.
Prior to the signing of the agreement, attendees visited the facilities and manufacturing area at the Menarini Spain headquarters in Badalona.