
- Campus Can Ruti

EIT Health Spain premia un projecte IGTP

L'associació EIT Health Spain va tancar ahir el seu primer any d'activitat amb un acte al Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB). La primera part de l'acte ha consistit en diverses presentacions orientades a la preparació de les convocatòries d'Innovació, Campus i Acceleració del proper any.

- Campus Can Ruti

Gas Natural Fenosa renueva su compromiso con la investigación biomédica al Campus de Can Ruti

Gracias al convenio con la empresa energética la investigadora Noemí Párraga contínua investigando en el proyecto  Desarrollo de un sistema automático de captura y detección de Legionella pneumophila en muestras de agua basado en métodos inmunológicos liderado por Dr Miquel Sabrià del Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol y el Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol

- Campus Can Ruti

A new weapon against TB Infection in developing countries is possible thanks to a bacterium found in the River Cardener in Catalonia

Manremyc, a biotechnology spin-off of the IGTP is responsable for a huge leap forward in the fight against tuberculosis in developing countries.  A new agreement with SRS Life Sciences will make the cheap and easily administered food supplement Nyaditum resae® available to over 5 million people.  The food supplement, which can be added to food or taken in pill form has been developed from a harmless bacterium found in water in Catalonia in Spain.

- Investigación

Carolina Armengol new leader of the CIBEREHD Group at the IGTP

Dr Carolina Armengol has been named as the new leader of the CIBEREHD Group (CB06/04/0033) at the IGTP.  She will take over from Dr Ramon Planas who has led the group during many years.   Dr Armengol has been working for 18 years on translational research in the field of hepatology, and especially on hepatic cancer.