Transversal Program in Public Health and Primary Healthcare (CORE)

The CORE Program (Transversal Program for Public Health and Primary Healthcare) operates as a multidisciplinary network of researchers united by shared interests and resources related to population research. Located on the Can Ruti Campus, the network forms a key component of IGTP's core scientific structure.

Scope and aim

The CORE Program aims to create a multidisciplinary research framework that facilitates synergies to design and implement applied research at the population level. The progem aims to generate knowledge to promote management and public health policies based on scientific evidence and to strengthen primary care as the core pillar of the health system.

CORE aims to:

  • Encourage population based collaborative multidisciplinary research between the different actors on the Can Ruti Campus, including Primary Healthcare, and other primary care and public health units.
  • Promote and visualise action-oriented program-based and participatory research.
  • Facilitate the integration of research results into primary care clinical practice and public health policies.
  • Facilitate the integration of talent into research groups of the program and implement strategies to assure their sustainability and competitivity.
  • Facilitate the use of shared technological platforms, facilities and analytical skills.
  • Act as a hub for training and teaching to improve the research abilities of its investigators and those on the Can Ruti Campus.
  • Strengthen emerging groups.

Structure of the program


  • Associate institutions: IDIAPJGol / HUGTiP / ICS Metropolitana Nord / Health Department

Members of the Management Committee

  • Directors: Jordi Casabona (CEEISCAT-IGTP), Pere Toran (USRMN-IDIAPJGol)
  • Sections' coordinators: Cinta Folch and Rosa García (Scientific), Evelin López and Josep Maria Manresa (Educational & Training), Cristina Agustí and Guillem Pera (Internal operational working group), Montse Galdon and Marta Ruiz (Administration), Pol Romano and Andrea Gil-Bermejo (Communication).

Working groups are open to new interested members.

Executive Committee

  • Secretary of Public Health. Health Department: Carmen Cabezas
  • Director /Scientific Director of IGTP: Jordi Barretina and Julia García
  • Scientific Director IDIAPJGol: Josep Basora
  • Director of Care Strategy and Innovation HUGTIP: Oriol Estrada
  • Clinical Director HUGTIP: Josep Maria Mòdol
  • Director Head of Primary Health Care LCMN: Laura Conangla
  • Clinical Territorial Directors LCMN HUGTIP: Bonaventura Clotet
  • Program directors: Jordi Casabona (CEEISCAT) and Pere Toran (USRMN-IDIAPJGol)

2023 highlights

The CORE Program was established in June 2023 and officially presented on 29 November at the 3rd IGTP Retreat. The program already organised six scientific and formative activities throughout the year, including Can Ruti Campus STI Sessions and CORE Seminars. 18 June 2024 there is start up workshop with all the grups which have expressed interès in participating in the Program and afterwards a Plan of Action Will be developped.


IGTP: Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute
CEEISCAT: Centre for Epidemiological Studies on HIV/AIDS and STI of Catalonia
USRMN-IDIAPJGol: Unitat de Suport a la Recerca Metropolitana Nord - IDIAP Jordi Gol
HUGTIP: Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital
LCMN: Northern Metropolitan Clinical Laboratory
ICS: Institut Català de la Salut