
- Research

The ”la Caixa” Foundation provides funding to two innovation projects at the IGTP to accelerate development

The "la Caixa" Foundation aims to bring 20 new biomedical projects with large social  impacts to the market more rapidly within the framework of the CaixaResearch Validate and Consolidate 2021 calls. Two of this year's projects are led by groups from the IGTP. The programme aims to boost innovation and technological and knowledge transfer in the field of biomedicine and health and create new companies based on research

- Research

The IGTP and the Èpica Foundation of the Fura dels Baus present the results of the workshop ‘Complex Systems’

Last week the preliminary results of a collaboration between the scenic arts and science, or in other words, between the Èpica Foundation of the Fura dels Baus and the IGTP were presented. The workshop and the resulting performance took place last November and now the researchers are processing the data collected from the experience, which will be useful for their respective research projects.

- Research

The Can Ruti Rare Diseases Workshop shows the strength of multidisciplinary work on the campus

This years' edition of the Workshop on Rare Diseases took place at the IGTP this Thursday with the title 'A Multidisciplinary Approach to Rare Diseases' timed for the International Day for Rare Diseases, celebrated this year on 29 February. The key to improving the management of this type of disease is dialogue between different specialty areas and a much more global approach. This must be coupled with the inclusion of research staff when deciding on the lines of research to be advanced.