
A new episode of the podcast 'Un bri de ciència' focuses on respiratory diseases

- Campus Can Ruti, Institutional, Outreach, Success Stories

Researcher Raquel Guillamat Prats discusses her research on respiratory diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, respiratory infections, and lung cancer. She also shares her experience of establishing a research group from scratch at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP).

Coinciding with World Lung Day, the podcast 'Un bri de ciència' has dedicated its seventh episode to respiratory diseases. This diverse group of medical conditions affects more than two million people in Catalonia and represents the third leading cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The episode highlights the efforts of an IGTP researcher, Raquel Guillamat Prats, who leads the Translational Research Group in Pulmonary Immunology, to regenerate the lungs of patients suffering from diseases and infections that severely impact this organ. Throughout the episode, she explains the main research lines of her group and their current status. These include pulmonary fibrosis, bacterial and viral infections, and lung cancer.

In addition to addressing respiratory diseases and the related research, the episode delves into a more personal side. It explores Raquel's motivations for pursuing research and her journey as a researcher thus far, including forming and consolidating her own group.

The podcast 'Un bri de ciència' contributes to IGTP's goals of raising awareness and disseminating information. This project ensures that cutting-edge research from the Can Ruti Campus reaches a wide and diverse audience.

You can listen to the episode on Spotify, iVoox, and Apple Podcasts.