
The IGTP celebrates the GCAT|Genomes for Life Community Symposium to highlight the value of prospective cohorts for precision medicine in Spain

On 20 June the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) celebrated the GCAT|Genomes for Life Community Symposium at the Badalona International Business Center (BCIN). GCAT is a strategic project of IGTP and the meeting, this year by invitation-only format, included national experts in the fields of genomics and precision medicine to discuss the status of prospective cohorts in Spain in general and to showcase the current research being generated by the GCAT cohort in particular.

- Projects

The “Escoles Sentinella” network proves the safety of schools concerning COVID-19 and presents the results of the second year of the project at the project congress

- "Escoles Sentinella" has identified areas and methodologies for improvement that can be incorporated into policies to prevent infections with SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens in the coming years.

- The "Escoles Sentinella" network monitors SARS-CoV-2 infection and its determinants in the school environment, including CO2 levels in classrooms, through a participatory research approach by the educational community and incorporating participants' recommendations. 

- Research

Bioimplants with extra-cellular vesicles from stem cells can improve cardiac function after an acute myocardial heart attack

Researchers from the ICREC Group (Cardiac Insufficiency and Regeneration) in cardiovascular diseases at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) continue to work on therapeutic technologies to repair cardiac tissue after a heart attack. In an article published in Theranostics, they present a study of extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stem cells combined with tissue engineering as a therapy to repair the heart after a heart attack. They have carried out the study on a porcine heart attack model at the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (CMCiB) at the IGTP.

- Research

The IGTP and the Clinical Laboratory North Metropolitan Area are the first to publish the complete sequence of a sample of monkey pox virus

The IGTP and the Microbiology Service of the Clinical Laboratory of the North Metropolitan Area led by the researcher Elisa Martró have been the first to carry out the complete sequencing of a sample of monkey pox virus in Spain. This is a milestone in itself, but will also be fundamental for epidemiological surveillance of the infection and the study of future outbreaks as it provides a description of the genetic material of the virus.

- Research

The CMCiB awarded the certificate for Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) for preclinical research

The Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (CMCiB) of the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute has been awarded the certificate for complying with good laboratory practices (GLP) in line with the European Directive 2004/9/CE. The centre complies with the principles established by the Spanish Royal Decree 822/19932 for carrying out preclinical studies with healthcare products (analytical tests, clinical chemistry - haematology and biochemistry - in studies administrating trial products, obtaining samples and biocompatibility of healthcare products). The areas certified are the surgical and bioimage areas, including the technology of vascular radiology interventions, ultrasound scan and magnetic resonance.

- Innovation

On the Erasmus+ program and digitalization in learning

The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and the Germans Trias Hospital have taken part for the first time in the Erasmus+ Programme with an ambitious project aimed at digitalizing student stays at the centre. The 4D Digitalisation of Learning Project aims to design mobile technology that improves learning for students taking a nursing degree an improve the communication between the healthcare centre and the university to enrich the student experience.

- Research

Researchers from Germans Trias and Mateu Orfila Hospital in Menorca identify a new subtype of ataxia

The article describing the new SCA49 subtype has been published in the journal Brain Communications, and is featured as a highlight by its Editorial Board. The new ataxia subtype has been identified by studying members of one family from the island of Menorca. The finding provides a better understanding of the pathological basis of ataxia and opens the door to pre-symptomatic diagnoses and genetic counselling for people with the disorder.